
Let us assist you with your license suspension caused by PennDOT delays

PennDOT and the Pennsylvania courts have requirements to notify you in a timely manner of your license suspension. When they don’t, you may be shocked to find that your Pennsylvania license has been suspended years after you thought you were done with your issues. It’s not right that you fight through the system, turn your life around, only to find out they can sanction you again years later.

We have been successful arguing these delays should not result in license suspension and having that suspension time wiped away.

Our client, “Q,” was in just this situation. He had a rough spot early in life that caused the suspension of his PA license for some time. Q overcame those issues and moved on to become a happily married father, rise in position with his employer, and enjoy motorcycle cruises in his free time.

Then one day, out of the blue, he got a notice that his license was about to be suspended for over 15 months. The notices sent were vague, and he was confused. Q had gone years without any tickets or stops…how could this be? Q reached out to License Restoration Services for help with this pending PA license suspension.

It turns out there was a lingering issue from his troubles earlier in life. Even though he received his license, was able to change his address, and renew that Pennsylvania license, somehow they never applied some suspension time he owed. Our client was devastated. Q was about to lose his job, his hobbies, and possibly his family.

Thankfully, as soon as Q reached out, we knew how to stop the suspension and have everything thrown out. We were able to dig through the documents, research the appropriate policy, and build the proper argument to have the suspension tossed. Q was able to keep his license and continue moving forward as he put his past behind him.

If you find yourself confused with license suspension that feels like it should have been over years ago – reach out to have us review your case to determine the best course of action!


PA Suspended Drivers - Suspension Snowball